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Outreach Africa: Lost Boys Foundation is a unique, grass-roots organization which serves the many critical needs of the “Lost Boys and Girls” in Hampton Roads VA.


We provide for them locally by helping them meet their emergency medical and financial needs.  We help their families globally by educating their child relatives left in African refugee camps.  


Our African Boarding School program matches their relatives with American sponsors to provide for their education, nutrition, shelter and safety.  Over 90 refugee relatives have now graduated High School in Kenya and Uganda through our program. Several are now college graduates in public health, nursing, agriculture, electrical engineering and accounting.  One is now a surgeon finishing his medical residency in Kenya!


Your critical donations provide for the ongoing care and education

of our high-achieving students!

  • Advance the lives of the South Sudanese men and women in Hampton Roads by meeting critical needs they have by partnering with local organizations, volunteers, and donors.

  • Supply them with the tools necessary to become viable, productive, and self-sustaining members of the community.

  • Help them find means to support their struggling families that remain in Africa.

  • Engage the support of any and every member of the community with a heart and a mind to help in any capacity.

  • Increase national awareness of the plight of the South Sudanese people so that we may improve the lives of the Lost Boys and Girls and their families in Africa.

  • Promoting local awareness of the needs of Lost Boys and Girls living in Hampton Roads by securing speaking engagements with churches, synagogues, schools, and civic groups.

  • Fundraising for their education, healthcare, and living expenses

  • Coordinating donations of clothes, computers, cars, books, furniture, and household supplies

  • Providing tutoring and assistance with schoolwork, computer maintenance and car repairs

  • Helping to find scholarships and assistance filling out applications

  • Helping to find jobs which will allow them to attend school

  • Providing emotional support so they will feel safe, secure and loved.

  • Engaging support from local businesses and like-minded organizations.

  • Finding local donors who will help send their young relatives left in the refugee camp to boarding schools outside of the camp.

Mail Donations To: 

Outreach Africa, Inc

616 Haystack Landing

Newport News, VA 23602


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