Omorembe Orphanage started in 2009 when Ven Nyatichi and Sophy Mwango felt a push from their hearts to start a small home to help the needy children and orphans in their community. During trips to spiritually nurture people in their town, they met children who had no mom or dad, some living on the streets, begging for food. They were treated badly by violent and unmerciful people and were extremely vulnerable.
After much prayer and fasting, Ven & Sophy decided to share the needs of these poor and needy orphans with the church where I served as a pastor. We all realized and felt this need in our hearts and started to pray together asking God to provide a building,money for food, bedding, clothing and access to education. My wife and I offered to house the already identified orphans, and a few Good Samaritans offered to help with food.
We officially registered as a Christian religious gospel & charity institution with the Kenyan government on the 7th of March 2013. More than 67 orphans have lived in the orphanage since 2009. Presently we are caring and providing 30 orphans, and so many are still on the waiting list.
With each passing day our prayers and needs continue to be answered. Please take time to read a story about a moment that really touched our hearts and continues to bring us comfort when times are tough.
- Pastor David Asiago
In January 2014 the orphans were ready to go to bed and my wife informed me that there was nothing for the children to eat. Even though we had nothing to give to the children, I asked her to take them to the dining place and have them sit at the tables. Together we prayed for a peaceful night and heavenly intervention over the situation. We thanked God for everything.
Just as the children were preparing for bed, a neighbor and friend knocked at the door. “David,” he said, "last night I could not sleep. I felt in my heart you needed food. I have prepared green maize/corn mixed with green bananas for all these children. Can I bring the food in?
The food was just enough for all the children who enjoyed it very much. God provided!